24 February 2020 – 18 students from Kyoto Sangyo University joined the outdoor class at Beringharjo traditional Market. They had mission to buy several products that had been listed on the paper mission. They were divided into 4 groups consist of 4 or 5 students. The mission was to buy oranges, mangosteen, keychain, and pencil case. The team who spend less money would be the winner.
They went there by ordering online public transportation. They directly explored the whole area to find the things on the mission list. They tried their best to get a good price of thing. “Pak, boleh kurang?”; “Wah, terlalu mahal. Bisa lebih murah?”; “bisa menawar?” are the common expressions used by our friends when they bargained with the seller. Some of them still did not believe with their bargaining skills. They could not imagine why the price of the thing could decreased just by several ‘magic spell.’ We are happy that by learning Bahasa Indonesia our friends also accomplished new skill, the art of bargaining.
After 2 hours of spelling the magic through the entire section of Beringharjo market, they went back to Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Sanata Dharma (LBUSD). They had to count the amount of money spent by each group during their bargaining session. There were 3 groups chosen to be the third, second, and first winner of this mission. Yes, we can still learn Bahasa Indonesia in a fun way. Our friends from Kyoto had proved it. Do you want to learn Bahasa Indonesia also?