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20 January 2020 – On this day, Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course (ILCIC) made this day as Hari Studi ILCIC. It is just a usual day but the teacher gathered in Realino Auditorium to listen to a speech from the senior teacher, also used to teach in ILCIC few years ago. This day, Ms. Chatarina Rahayu, S.Pd shared her experience on teaching Bahasa Indonesia in Australia. She is a teacher in Strathalbyn Christian College, a school in Geraldton, Australia. She explained about the curriculum of learning Bahasa Indonesia in Australia. There are several points that need to be achieved by students in learning Bahasa Indonesia. From curriculum, ILCIC teachers were curious to know about how the teachers in Australia implement the curriculum into learning activities in the class. There were number of things that is 180 degree different from the learning process in Indonesia. She shared her experience in controlling the learning process in the class. Her experienced in managing the class inspired the teachers here. They thought that the way to treat Australian students is 180 degrees different from Indonesian students. This is also useful tips for the ILCIC teachers later when they teach Australian students in the upcoming programs. Terima kasih Mbak Nana atas sharingnya.

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