Lembaga Bahasa USD

29 February 2020 – Nanzan University Japan students joined provided a culture class of making handmade silver craft on this day by Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course (ILCIC) of Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Sanata Dharma (LBUSD) Yogyakarta. Eleven students had to join the class in Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Kotagede is a district in Yogyakarta which is very popular for the center of silver crafts. They went to Studio 76 to learn on this craft making. There, they were welcomed by Mas Agus, the owner of this silversmithing studio and workshop. Mas Agus then explain briefly about the activity that was going to do.

On this course, the students asked to make a ring with their initial name inside the ring. Each of the students were given 1 small piece of silver plate that will be crafted into a ring. First, they had to grind the edge of the plate. It is done to make the plate smooth and not hurting the finger when they wear it. It took times to make it smooth. After that, they had to put letter by letter of their name into the plate. They use iron letter print that was hammered to the plate. To make a deep emboss, the silver plate was heated using high temperature flame thrower. Even though it sounds very dangerous, it is still safe. The flame thrower is controlled manually using foot adjuster, so the flame size and speed can be controlled. When all the letter is already printed on the silver plate, they continued by crafting the straight silver plate into ring shape. They use tubular iron rod to adjust the diameter of the ring that is fit to their finger.

The last part, after they finished adjusting the diameter of the ring, they brush it using copper brush to smoothen the surface. This copper brush was used because the surface of the silver will gradually become shiny. They were very happy because they accomplished a new skill that is crafting silver.

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